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It may not strike you as odd that some celebs suffer from insomnia. After all, they are artists and they were likely born with extra pinches of creative dust. Let's be honest, it is safe to say that more than a few stars have been known for their eccentricity. Everyone appeals to the ego-side of self that helps build confidence, and some undoubtedly get hit with healthier doses than others. Perhaps, creative types feel something and knowingly understand, that the thoughts and imagery will manifest into something that they can share with others.
Creative types can also be perfectionists. Not only will they go the extra mile, they won't take short-cuts that may alter the desired result. People that push for excellence are not always able to shut down the creative process abruptly. For insomniacs, the wheels keep turning and sleep remains at bay, no matter how tired the body is. Writers write through the night, actors preparing for a new role may take on different lifestyles that drastically change sleep patterns, and both vocalists and rappers may keep odd hours honing their craft. Here are 10 celebrities that never let the wheel stop turning, even during the night.
10) Jimi Hendrix
Gone but not forgotten, Jimi Hendrix may have been a poster child for insomnia. He could play the guitar for hours, transfixed. Hendrix was also known for keeping those who followed him on the road, awake as well. Based on the books written on Hendrix, he enjoyed sex with a variety of women and his other passion, was music. He'd play for days without taking a break. His drive often frustrated band mates, as not everybody could hang with his type of energy and raw passion. Hendrix had a thing for drugs as well, which may have had something to do with his mind's inability to shut down as aptly as others, and receive the gift of rest.
9) Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson lives on in memory for millions of fans. A perfectionist, the King of Pop had trouble shutting down his creative juices at night. An overdose of medicine is what took him out in the end. There has not been another entertainer with the ability and the drive to pull off over forty years of non-stop hits, complete with dance moves. Love him or hate him, M.J. holds the title as one of the hardest working men in show business.
8) Madonna
Known for her love of surprise generating antics, Madonna continues to thrill fans with cutting edge themes, dance moves and outfits. She says what is on her mind and worries about consequences later. It is no wonder she dodges sleep and reportedly dozes off only 2 hours a night. In her mid-fifties, the queen of pop is juggling two teenage kids and her younger adopted children which takes plenty of energy. While Madonna should be tired at night, she uses the night hours to create. Often coming up with shock-value worthy performances.
7) Miley Cyrus
Sure, age has something to do with the amount of energy one can put out, without falling out. For Cyrus, 22 years young, it looks like it comes easy. Countless hours of rehearsal time goes into perfecting performances. In addition to the extra energy needed for plain old partying. At some point, sleep has to take over. She has so much energy, she may sing and dance in her sleep.
6) Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton is a politician after all. Talking and engaging people, comes with the territory. Between reviewing policy and staying active in everything political, it is no wonder Bill suffers from insomnia. No one but Bill knows for sure why he can't fall and stay asleep. It is likely that as soon as he feels ready to doze, a new platform of possibilities pops up that he feels compelled to mull over.
5) Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock may not be able to sleep because she's she can't stop laughing. She has a killer sense of humor that always comes across in her movie roles and each time she is interviewed. Since the addition of her new baby and the recent overflow of her name, along with the name of her ex-cheating husband, Jesse James, it's no wonder Sandra gets a minimal amount of around 3 hours of sleep per night.
4) George Clooney
Good looking and type cast whenever a suave leading man is called for, George Clooney fits the bill. He has stated in past interviews that insomnia, is something he'd like to overcome. The television seems to be a distraction whether it is turned, on or off for Clooney. When he turns it off, he says his mind goes everywhere, which keeps him awake.
3) Eminem
Eminem, the Bad Boy of rap, says his insomnia is so bad that he felt he should write a song about it. 'Dejavu' is an ode to pain killers and sleep aids which were a huge part of the rapper's life, before he received treatment and help for insomnia, and the unfortunate abuse of pills that came with it. Substance abuse can happen when a person becomes dependent on aids to help with sleep and anxiety.
2 Jessica Simpson
Jessica Simpson turned to psychologists and the study of sleep disorders as a self-help measure. The actress finds that staying away from the bed when she is not sleepy, helps her to fall asleep easier. It also keeps her from tossing and turning. In addition, the star with mass appeal has learned how to employ lucid dreaming and sexy thoughts (to deal with being sexually frustrated) in the past. She says the energy created from being frustrated, coupled with thinking about having a really good time with whoever she dreams about romantically, has had really good results.
1) Lady Gaga
The Queen of risque performances and pimped-out costumes, (for the sake of art) has had a long time struggle with insomnia. Lady Gaga is fueled by passion that makes her want to give fans more. Lady Gaga says, she may not sleep for up to three days at a time, and that she refuses to take medication that may alter her creativity and thinking. Therefore, she keeps going until she is completely exhausted. Hey, if it works for her, don't knock it. She steers clear of the medicated stuff, and that can be a good thing.