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Celebrities always look polished and perfect, don’t they? That’s because it’s their job to look that way; they have a public image to uphold and most of them take great care to look good because their careers depend on it. But seeing all these pictures of superb looking people can make us feel that they are somehow better than us and no-one likes feeling that way. But the truth is that besides the bulging bank accounts and multi-million-dollar mansions they are also just people, and they are not as flawless as you might think.
Celebs often have an army of folks to help them put their best foot forward, but behind the scenes, they might have nasty personal habits that you never hear about. Until now, that is!
Most of us are guilty of at least one of the bad habits on this list; whether it’s biting our nails, texting and driving, or being a lazy housekeeper, and it helps to know that we are not the only ones. Some of these celebs have been outed by their ex’s or friends while others have openly admitted to their nasty little secrets. So ready or not, here are 15 celebs with habits that might just be grosser than most people's…
Kesha Likes To Put Beards In Her Mouth
Where can we even begin with Kesha and her not so secret bad habits? The self-proclaimed “dirty little sister” of pop music is just that – dirty!
Anyone remember her “Put Your Beard In My Mouth” blog? For those of you who missed it, this was a blog devoted to guys with impressive beards and was full of pictures of Kesha putting those beards in her mouth – gag! What about the time she tweeted a photo of herself having a pee outside on the street? No shame on this girl.
She also claimed that at one stage she drank her own urine, but seems to have given that up for now. Oh and according to her people have said that she smells like a hobo. Considering her persona during her “Tik Tok” days this shouldn’t really come as a surprise.
Josh Hutcherson Likes To Blow Spit Bubbles
One of the things fans love about Josh Hutcherson is his down to earth attitude toward stardom. He says he hasn’t let his fame change him as a person, “I love my job more than anything in the world and I could never imagine doing anything else. So this whole thing (fame) is a very small price to pay compared to someone who has to go to an office to work." Josh landed his first film role in 2003 but didn’t enjoy commercial success until he got his part in The Hunger Games almost nine years later.
But it was his Hunger Games co-star Jennifer Lawrence, who revealed that Josh has some annoying on-set habits; such as cracking his neck and blowing spit bubbles while he’s deep in thought.
Megan Fox Can’t Be Bothered To Flush The Toilet
How tidy is your life behind the scenes? Are you a neat freak who can’t relax until all the housework is done or are you prone to being slovenly around the house? Most of us fall somewhere in the middle, but we know where to draw the line. We might let a little dust build up on our nightstand, but flushing the toilet is essential, right?
Transformers actress Megan Fox might not agree with you on the toilet issue. She may be a looker with a bulging bank account, but she’s admitted that she’s not the kind of girl people would want to live with. It seems that when it comes to domestic hygiene Megan just couldn’t be bothered. She confesses that cleaning is way down on the bottom of her priority list, “I’m horrible to live with. I don’t clean. My clothes end up wherever I take them off. I forget to flush the toilet.”
Miley Cyrus' Home Is Disgusting
According to a few of her former boyfriends, Miley Cyrus is in desperate need of some housekeeping lessons. It seems that the young star likes to collect different types of pets but when it comes to cleaning up after them Miley is just plain lazy. One ex reported that her mansion was a wreck, with old food and pizza boxes all over the place, dog poop on the floor, and mountains of dishes piled up in the sink. He said that the mess was so bad that it prevented them from spending time together as he could just not stomach her filthy house.
We get that Miley is busy but couldn’t she just hire a cleaner (or a team of cleaners!) to come and whip her place into shape? It’s not like she’s short on cash or anything.
Orlando Bloom Is Not So Fresh
Orlando Bloom always looks neat and tidy so it was a shock to everyone when his ex, Miranda Kerr, revealed that Pirates of the Caribbean star had the personal habits of a dirty sailor. According to her Orlando isn’t that keen on washing his clothes or attending to his own personal hygiene. She said that she tried dropping hints that he should shower more often and get his clothes laundered but nothing came of it. Can’t say we blame her for wanting to move on to someone a little bit fresher.
But besides from his dirty clothes Bloom also has another dirty habit – he likes to sleep with his dog in the bed. This is not a problem if you wash the sheets regularly, but somehow we don’t think this is happening as often as it should in the Bloom household.
Jessica Simpson Only Brushes Her Teeth Three Times A Week
Brushing your teeth every day is a personal hygiene must. We should all be brushing our teeth at least twice a day and throwing in some flossing and mouthwash too. Now celebs quite often have dental work to ensure they have perfect smiles, but does that mean that they are maintaining them as well as they should?
Dukes of Hazzard star Jessica Simpson admitted to Ellen DeGeneres that she isn’t the best at brushing her teeth. According to her, she doesn’t like the way her teeth feel after she brushes them (they are “too slippery”) so she only cleans them properly about three times a week. The rest of the week she just uses mouthwash or gives them a rub with a cloth. But she was quick to point out that her lack of brushing doesn’t mean she has dragon breath, “I know it’s gross but I always have fresh breath”. Sure, Jessica, we believe you.
Britney Spears Chews Her Nails Bloody
Nail biting is a common bad habit among children and adults and it can be difficult to stop. Besides looking terrible this bad habit is also unhygienic and can spread germs from your fingers to your mouth and lead to skin infections from the exposed tissue. And even celebs struggle with nail biting.
One of them is Britney Spears, who has struggled with this bad habit for years. She says that she chews her nails when she is anxious, “I have to learn to stop biting my nails! I would like to stop worrying so much because I worry all the time.” Poor girl. The world got to see just how bad her chomping was when she was photographed on the X-Factor set with icky bloodied fingers.
Snooki Uses Cat Litter To Exfoliate Her Face
Now we all know celebs sometimes have some bizarre beauty habits but this one takes the cake. Jersey Shore star Nicole 'Snooki' Polizzi once admitted to chat show host Conan O’Brien that she likes to use cat litter as a beauty product to keep her skin smooth. She said, “Some exfoliants have rocks in them, and it makes your skin really smooth. Cat litter is like a substitute.”
Her explanation may sound okay, but using cat litter to scrub your face really isn’t a good idea. Most litter is packed with chemicals so this is a poor choice on Snooki’s side. We can’t help but wonder how this terrible habit started – did she not have money for a spa treatment or what? Not smart Snooki, or healthy.
Robert Pattinson Used To Have A Dirty Secret
Back in 2009, Robert Pattinson revealed, in an interview with Extra, that he often didn’t wash his hair for weeks. He nonchalantly said, “I don't know. I don't really see the point in washing your hair. If you don't care if your hair's clean or not, then why would you wash it? It's like, I don't clean my apartment 'cause I don't care. I have my apartment for sleeping in and I have my hair for just, you know, hanging out on my head. I don't care if it's clean or not.”
Thankfully, we are pleased to report that since he became the face of Dior Homme Eau for Men, the Twilight star has changed his ways. He told the Wall Street Journal: “I was a brush-your-teeth-and-have-a-shower kind of guy. I can't tell if it's because of my association with Dior or because I'm older, but I've started moisturizing.” No mention of shampoo though.
Olivia Munn Can’t Stop Pulling Out Her Eyelashes
Olivia Munn started out her career as a television journalist before breaking out as an actress. Since 2004 she has enjoyed supporting roles in a several television series (such as Attack of the Show! and Miles from Tomorrowland) and films (such as Deliver Us From Evil and X-Men: Apocalypse). Watch out for her in The Predator, Ocean's Eight, and X-Men: Dark Phoenix, all scheduled for release next year.
But this rising star has a strange personal habit; she can’t stop pulling out her eyelashes. It’s not clear whether she pulls out her own lashes or her extensions but she says that while it doesn’t hurt it is inconvenient to have to buy fake eyelashes all the time.
An irresistible urge to pull out your eyelashes or hair could be a sign of a disorder called Trichotillomania which is linked to anxiety. Let’s hope it isn't stress causing Olivia to do this.
Adele Confesses That She Is A Nose Picker
Most of us prefer to keep our dirty little secrets, well, secret. They are habits that we are ashamed of and we don’t like to share them right? But one star doesn’t seem to mind the world knowing about her disgusting personal habit and that’s Adele.
A while back British songstress Adele shocked fans during a show in Chicago by telling them, in stomach-turning detail, about her nose-picking habit. “I’d like to stop picking my nose, “ she said, “It’s a really bad habit that I have. You know when you pick one, put it in your hand, roll them and flick them.” As her fans started to make horrified noises she continued, “Anyone saying, ‘Eww’ — you are lying. You have to do something with the bogeys.” Adele, please, TMI!
Halle Berry Picks Dry Skin Off Her Lips With Her Teeth
Halle Berry is easily one of the most beautiful women in the world. At 50 years old Berry can still put most 25-year-old girls to shame with her toned body and flawless features, and what’s more she has the talent to match.
Since her breakthrough role in Boomerang (1992) she has enjoyed a successful acting career and is, to date, the only black woman to have won a Best Actress Academy Award. She received the award for her role in Monster’s Ball.
But even this seemingly perfect woman has an ugly habit. Halle admits that she suffers from dry lips and sometimes uses her teeth to pick the dry flakes off. She said, “Without something on there, I just chew them off. I need some sort of moisture there, whether it be a lip balm or lip color”.
Matthew McConaughey Hates Wearing Deodorant
Matthew McConaughey doesn’t like wearing deodorant and prefers his scent to be au natural. “Women love my natural scent. I smell like a man. I smell like me,” he said.
But not all women are crazy about his body odor. When Kate Hudson worked with him on the set of Fool’s Gold she was so put off by his BO that she brought deodorant to the set and asked him to put it on. The deodorant she arrived with was made of natural ingredients like rock salt with no chemicals, but he still refused to wear it. Imagine having to work so closely with someone who smells? Maybe you’ve had this experience yourself so you can relate to poor Kate! Either way, it doesn’t look like McConaughey is going to change his ways anytime soon.
Emma Watson Is A Bit Of A Slouch
Here’s a bad habit that most of us are guilty of – bad posture. With today’s sedentary lifestyle plenty of us are prone to slouching and no matter how many times doctors tell us that doing so is going to ruin our backs we just can’t seem to help ourselves. And celebs are just of guilty of this as the rest of us.
One star who has been picked out over her posture time and time again is Emma Watson. She’s become known for her one-hand-on-the-hip pose, but experts say that her stance is nothing more than bad posture. In fact, slouching is a common occurrence on the red carpet where you often see round shoulders, sunken chests, and stooped backs. This naughty habit can lead to back pain and headaches so if you’re like Emma we suggest you straighten up.
Amanda Bynes And Her Poor Driving Habits
After her very public meltdown a few years ago we are pleased that Amanda Bynes is getting her life, and her health, under control. And we hope she’s getting a grip on all her bad habits while she’s at.
Amanda is guilty of a few bad habits, but she shares one in common with most of us: bad driving habits. Her first traffic violation was for talking on a cell phone while driving (something we have all done) and a month later she was arrested for side-swiping a police car because she was under the influence. Next came the two alleged hit and run accidents where she was no doubt distracted while driving again. She ended up receiving three years of probation for reckless driving and her license was only restored two years later. Let’s hope in the future Amanda can keep her eyes on the road.