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When it comes to preparing their bodies for the runway, models have to train a very different way. It’s not about bulking or being super fit like we see with a lot of Instagram models or even fitness models. Muscle weighs a lot, so their goal is not to create more muscle mass. That’s why you never see models on the runways who are ripped or super fit. You see lean girls who would be considered “skinny” rather than muscular.
But just because a girl is skinny to begin with doesn’t mean she doesn't work out. Being toned is definitely a must in the industry especially the older you get. When it comes to being prepared for New York Fashion Week and Paris Fashion Week, models often feel the pressure to make sure that they are ready for the runway.
In order to reach supermodel status, you have to book a ton of jobs and that means walking on many runways. Designers won’t even put a model on a runway if they aren’t ready. You need to be toned and you need to be able to fit into the clothing that is provided for you. There isn’t a whole lot of fluctuations when it comes to the weight of a model. You don’t get to have your own sizes when it comes to the runway. Designers use sample sizes for the clothing and they run 24-inch waist, 34-inch hips, and a 34-inch chest. By using these sizes, the designer uses as little fabric as possible. Check out the workout routines that these models use.
Jumping Rope Is Great Cardio
The goal of celebrity trainers who work with runway models is to base their workouts on hip and weight measurements. They do not want to build muscle on their clients because then the model will not be able to fit into the sample sizes. "Everything that I do is based on hip and waist measurement reduction," John Benton told E! News while going through his workout routine at the Hollywood Roosevelt.
"All of my clients, they are trying to get their hip and waist measurements down so they can book more jobs or they can sign with modelling agencies."
You would think that running would be a great means of cardio, but it actually makes you wider in the hips. So he has his clients jump rope which is a pretty intense warmup.
They Box Their Way Into Sample Sizes
You will see many models taking part in kickboxing or boxing because these are very intense workouts. They are also not boring. It’s the kind of workout that allows you to break a sweat while still having fun. There is also the side effect of feeling like a complete badass. When it comes to preparing for a show,
models like Gisele and Lily Aldridge will spend six days a week for a month at the gym before the show. Sometimes, they will go in twice a day, whatever it takes to make sure she’s the right size for the runway.
With boxing or kickboxing, you get a lot of endurance train or high-interval workouts. It’s likely to burn off a lot more calories than say running on the treadmill would do.
They Work Out For Two Hours A Day
As the days go by and the shows start coming a close, models will go to the gym for much longer workouts.
It’s not unusual for a model to have a workout routine that is two hours long. That may include strength training exercises as well as cardio, all wrapped into one workout.
It’s also likely that they are working with personal trainers. These kinds of workouts aren’t a quick pop in the gym; they are usually gruelling workouts that seem to last forever. These models have to be in the best shape possible because it can affect their career. They don’t want to be asked to step out of the runway show because they ate too many burgers.
Resistance Training Works The Muscles
Resistance training is simple to understand. It’s just the act of doing cardio or endurance training, but with small weights, elastic bands, etc. If you think about it in terms of running while in the water, you will understand it a little better. There is some resistance there that will make a regular workout just a little bit harder.
It’s a great workout for models because it allows them to build some strength without bulking them up in any way. Having more resistance in your workout will mean that your muscles have to work harder to get the job done.
It’s not about lifting heavy weights; it has a lot to do with bodyweight exercise, running with parachutes, dragging sleds, and moving in water. For anyone who has tried pulling a sled while running, you'll know that it’s not a fun workout, but it’s very effective.
They're Always Doing Planks
Planks are seriously the universal exercise to get a hard and toned core. The stomach is a huge area that models have to maintain because they are often on the runway in lingerie.
The Victoria’s Secret Angels are for sure always focused on toning their tummy because they have to look spectacular when they're strutting down the runway.
If you have never done a plank before, you will try to hold the pose shown above for at least 30 seconds at a time and doing it more than once. Once your core gets stronger, you will keep moving it up to 1 minute, then 2 minutes, and then eventually 5 minutes. If you are planking for that long, chances are you have a pretty great looking stomach. These are a must when you are working out.
Models Are Flying High On A Trampoline
We are not joking with this one and to be honest, we are a little jealous because it sounds super fun. So, why are these models jumping on trampolines during their workouts?
Models will add this workout gear to their routine every now and then because it allows them to detoxify their body.
Apparently, your body is able to detoxify when it is in constant motion by jumping up and down repeatedly. It probably feels pretty good after a hard workout as well to just bounce around on the trampoline. Some gyms like, Bari Studio in New York actually has trampoline classes. We “also recommend models to do the studio’s trampoline workout, because bouncing detoxes your own body system.” Sounds like a pretty fun class to us. It definitely wouldn’t be a boring workout.
Drinking A Gallon Of Water A Day
We can certainly attest to the fact that this is not an easy task to do. It’s hard to drink that much water throughout the day because it can leave you feeling bloated from the water weight and you are heading to the bathroom non-stop. If you are working out a lot, chances are you are going to be drinking a lot of water anyway, but it’s still not easy.
Models are required to drink a gallon of water a day during the last week before the show.
This helps them to flush out toxins in the body as well as feel full throughout the day so that they aren’t snacking for no reason. By the end of the week, they will have lost a few extra pounds, including water weight.
ModelFit Is Popular Among Models
Many models are obsessed with Gotham Gym in New York City, especially when it comes to their ModelFit workouts. Karlie Kloss is one model that is a huge fan of the workouts. It’s supposed to be a no-sweat workout and no two workouts are the same.
“So much of the success of the method comes from muscle confusion. It requires vision and a steady stream of inspiration to create a consistently distinct experience.”
We’re not sure what they mean by no sweat, how are you burning off all those calories without sweating. Trainers make up the workouts on the fly; they are never prepared in advance. The idea is to keep your muscles guessing at all times; they never get used to a workout and plateau because it’s always different.
They Don’t Eat Or Drink The Day Of The Show
Well, that just sucks, but at least it’s only for a short period of time. It’s probably how they stop themselves from bloating throughout the day, especially if they are scantily clad for the show.
Adriana Lima has stated that models won’t eat at all during the day of the show. They also have nutritionists with them that will measure their fat ratio, water retention levels, and muscle mass for them.
The runway is serious business and they have to make sure that they are ready to go. "I wouldn't recommend this diet to anyone," Dr. Mike Roussell says. "There are better ways to get the same results. But for the amount of time she was doing it, to get the look she wanted, it's not detrimental to her health in the long-run."
Daily Yoga Is A Must
Some models take on daily yoga as a means of shedding extra pounds without worrying about bulking up. It’s a great way to get more flexibility and to just feel great about yourself. Jennifer Aniston is also a big fan of yoga and we’ve seen her amazing body over the years. According to Erin Heatherton, preparing for a runway show is never any fun.
She stopped working for Victoria’s Secret because of the pressure that was put on models before the shows. "My last two Victoria's Secret shows, I was told I had to lose weight. I look back like, 'Really?' I was really depressed because I was working so hard and I felt like my body was resisting me.
And I got to a point where one night I got home from a workout and I remember staring at my food and thinking maybe I should just not eat."
Spinning Classes Are Very Intense
Spinning classes are also very popular for models because it allows them to burn a lot of calories in a short period of time. They are one of the most loathsome exercises, though, because they are hard. If you have ever taken a spinning class, then you know that they can be pretty intense. They are not meant to be an easy workout and you are cycling for the entire time just at different intervals. Models will typically do a few of these during the week and if they go to the gym twice a day, they are usually doing spinning classes during one of those times. It’s a great way to get your cardio out of the way and you are definitely going to feel the hard work you put into it afterward.
Ballet With Weights
Not heavy weights, of course, because that defeats the purpose of trying to lose weight. When it comes to doing ballet, it’s another way of making your body strong without adding bulk. By adding small weights to the workout, you are once again adding resistance and making your muscles work harder. But at least when this is all said and done, the models will treat themselves after the show and it usually consists of pizza and drinks. “I was on this 1200-calorie-a-day meal-delivery service that I hated.
I couldn’t do that again. It’s so stressful before the Victoria’s Secret show. There’s so much pressure on us all — not just in terms of shape — and the energy gets sucked out of you. So, my favorite thing to do afterward is dance all night long.
We’ll have a pizza party and drink, but I don’t even care that much about the food. It’s about being young, normal, and carefree again.”
Sometimes, They Have To Combine Their Workouts
Gig Hadid has stated that when it comes to getting ready for the fashion shows, she will make sure to get to the gym a whopping three times a day. She is not messing around. She says that means combining some of her workouts together. She will combine boxing workouts with her ballet sessions. We have to say that these girls must be exhausted after a month of training like this. When it came to her debut as a Victoria’s Secret Angel, she said she was “working out like crazy” to get in the perfect shape for the show. Just because you get to walk in the runway show, it's not guaranteed that you get to become a Victoria’s Secret Angel. It just means you'll have to work harder to get that status.
Pilates Isn’t Always A Joy
Pilates is another exercise very similar to yoga that models enjoy taking part in. It’s not always a relaxing workout, however, especially when it comes to preparing for the runway shows. When it comes to prepping, Martha Hunt says she uses a “torture device" called the Megaformer.
"I've been using a Megaformer — it is like the Pilates reformer with a carriage in between two platforms and you change the springs for resistance — so you have to resist these pulleys to strengthen your body.
It is basically a torture machine!" That does not sound like a lot of fun. Unfortunately, it is all part of being a model. We know, you thought it was the easy life that includes big bucks and lots of travelling. But being a model is also about sacrifice.
They Invite Their Trainers To Their Home
Heidi Klum was one model that had to walk in the Victoria’s Secret fashion show just five weeks after giving birth. That happened to be a Victoria’s Secret record and she looked amazing. When it came time to get ready for the show, she dragged her trainer to her home to make sure that she was getting in as much training as possible. At the time, she said that she was the heaviest of the group and still wished that she could have dropped 20 more pounds.
"There's no master plan, but I have a trainer in L.A. who comes to my house," she said at the time. "She's helping me, so I don't overdo it. I've been walking on the treadmill. Walking up and down the driveway.
She has a medicine ball, so she showed me things on there. You can't do too much too early."