There are many reasons why Friends is one of the most highly rated sitcoms of all time. While the initial storyline of 6 pals living in New York City apartments that they certainly wouldn't be able to afford IRL wasn't anything too new, the way the writers crafted each individual character made the show the masterpiece it is. Of course, we have to also credit the talented actors who managed to bring these characters to life!
Even though there are more things to love about Friends than to dislike, after rewatching all 10 seasons (for about the 50th time), we have some serious questions about Chandler and Monica's relationship. Don't get us wrong, Chandler and Monica have one of television's best romances of all time. However, not quite everything about their time together adds up. Let's look at 15 tiny details about the Bing's that don't really make sense at all.
15 The Overlooked Turkey "I Love You"
As a way of apologizing to Chandler, Monica slapped a turkey onto her head, complete with glasses and a hat, then proceeded to shimmy. It was hilarious and Chandler couldn't resist blurting out "I love you". Totally understandable, yet a few episodes later, they both said the phrase to one another and pretended as though it was the first time!
14 Their Financial Situation
Ok, we know that Monica and Chandler weren't the brokest of the bunch. However, we also know they both spent periods of time unemployed and we also remember them spending a large portion of their savings on Monica's dream wedding. Even if they could have swung their NYC apartment, the giant house in Connecticut with twins pushed it a bit.
13 How Could Chandler NOT Have Listened To The Mixtape Before Giving It To Monica?
After Chandler gave Monica a hard time for not hand-making his Valentine's gift as they had promised, Chandler in turn gave Monica a mixtape his ex Janice had made for him years ago. Even if he didn't remember Janice's voice was recorded on it, one would think he'd have popped it into a cassette player beforehand.
12 Chandler Should Have Found Out About Monica's Messy Closet Way Before season 8
As hilarious as the story of Monica's messy closet was, we find it a little hard to believe that it would have taken not only Chandler but all of the friends so long to discover it. Let's not forget that Rachel and Peebs once lived there as well. In the girl's defense, the closet didn't look messy in earlier seasons.
11 Jack Geller Definitely Would Have Known Chandler's Name By Season 7
After their engagement, Chandler thought it would be a good idea to get some bonding in with Monica's father. Of course, Chandler was college roommates with Ross and had spent numerous holidays with the Gellers at this point, but still, in this specific season 7 episode Jack was calling Chandler "Chauncey".
10 Monica Should Have Known Whether Or Not Chandler Wore Glasses After Years Of Dating
In season 7, Chandler arrived at the coffee house sporting a pair of glasses for the first time. Of course, none of his friends noticed, but that's not even the worst part. Monica, who was his fiancé at this point, thought he had been wearing glasses all along. We're not buying it, though it certainly made for a funny joke.
9 Monica Was Quick To Jump Ships When She Thought Chandler Didn't Want To Get Married
Monica and Chandler's proposal scene was one of the best in sitcom history. However, when looking back, it's hard not to dwell on the fact that mere hours before the proposal went down, Monica was sitting in Richard's apartment contemplating who to be with. She made the right choice of course, but that had to have hurt Chandler's feelings, right?
8 Monica Ignored The Fact That Chandler Almost Ran Right Before Their Wedding
This would be a hard thing for any bride to overlook. Even though Chandler's commitment issues were well documented throughout the series, one would think that after Monica learned her friends had spent the last 24 hours trying to track down her groom, there would have been a bigger fall out.
7 Chandler Completely Forgot About Richard's Tipping Lesson
When Monica was dating Richard, he taught both Chandler and Joey how to slip a server a tip on the DL. Fast forward to season 7, Chandler tries doing this to score a table for himself and Monica and fails miserably. He then goes on to ask if this was something Richard used to do when they were together. Hmm...
6 Monica Changed Her View On Soulmates After Marrying Chandler
During Monica's wedding vows, she referred to Chandler as her soulmate. Super romantic, right? Well, it was until she changed her mind about a year later. When the topic of soulmates came up later on, Monica said she didn't believe in them. A tad bit concerning, that is for sure!
5 Chandler's History Of Criticizing Women's Weight
Obviously, fans will remember that in a flashback episode, a young Chandler made a mean comment to Ross about Monica's weight. That would have been bad on its own, but then we also have to remember that it was revealed that Chandler had broken up with a girlfriend during his youth because of her weight as well. Not cool!
4 How Could Monica Call Someone Else The Funniest Man She'd Ever Met?
If there's one thing about Chandler that's indisputable, it's his love for being the funny guy in the room. Without his humor, Chandler simply wouldn't be Chandler. It's weird that we know this, but Monica seemed to forget. While Chandler was working in Tulsa, Monica called just to tell him that her coworker was the funniest guy she'd ever met...
3 Chandler Kissed Another Woman Right After Their Wedding
After their wedding reception, Chandler and Ross couldn't find the disposable cameras from the event which had a ton of pictures Monica really wanted to see. Chandler's solution? Recreate the event (without Monica) and take all new pictures. This plan included a shot of Chandler kissing a random bride! This probably should have caused a pretty big fight.
2 Chandler's European Kissing Habits Should Have Been A Bigger Issue
After the gang got back from London, Monica and Chandler were still trying to keep their relationship a secret. However, when they got caught kissing, Chandler decided to camouflage this by kissing Rachel and Pheebs as well. This didn't only happen once either... There's no way both girls and Monica for that matter would have let this happen.
1 Monica Only Learned What His Job Was After They Got Married
An ongoing joke throughout the series was that nobody knew what Chandler did for a living. Was it funny? Absolutely. However, there's no way his wife wouldn't have learned this tidbit. That being said, after Chandler quit his job, Monica did finally learn what it was. Too little too late, girl!