In Hollywood, there have only been a few actors who are so successful that it has often seemed like they are untouchable. For the last several decades, it has been abundantly clear that Tom Cruise is one of the few actors who wield an incredible amount of power within the movie business. For proof of that, all you have to do is keep in mind that other actors who were megastars at the time reportedly called Cruise the “biggest star in the world”.
Even though Tom Cruise is a massive deal in Hollywood, some of his peers have been willing to speak out about him in the past. For example, at one point Mark Wahlberg called Tom Cruise out in a very colorful way. Amazingly enough, Wahlberg did so in front of a sizable crowd so he had to know his comments would get out. As a result, it seems clear that Wahlberg was outraged enough at something Cruise reportedly had done at the time that he didn’t couldn’t contain his frustration.
Tom’s Other Feuds
Throughout Tom Cruise’s time in the spotlight, he has made his fair share of enemies. However, it is very notable that most of the actors who could potentially find themselves working with Cruise in the future have kept any complaints they have against him private. For example, it has been reported that Brad Pitt has had a low-level feud with Cruise that has been ongoing since they made Interview with the Vampire together. However, neither actor has chosen to make any tensions they may share public.
On the other hand, some stars have aired their grievances with Tom Cruise but most of them were very unlikely to work with him anyway. For example, Brooke Shields, Justin Bieber, and Leah Remini have all made it very clear that they have serious issues with the way Tom Cruise conducts himself over the last several years.
Mark Calls Tom Out
In late 2013, Tom Cruise was in the process of suing a publishing company based on their reporting that he’d abandoned his daughter Suri. During the resulting trial, Cruise’s attorney compared Tom being away from Suri while making movies to soldiers who are apart from their loved ones while serving in Afghanistan. When Cruise himself took to the stand, the opposing counsel asked him about the comparison and Tom responded “That's what it feels like. And certainly, on this last movie, it was brutal. It was brutal."
Once the press got a hold of that exchange, many headlines erroneously reported that Cruise had compared the training he does for films to serving in the military. A few days after those mistaken reports went viral, Mark Wahlberg took part in a Q & A in which he angrily ranted about actors who would make that kind of comparison.
"For somebody to sit there and say 'my job was as difficult as being in the military.' How f**king dare you, while you sit in a makeup chair for 2 hours. I don't give a s**t if you get your ass busted. You get to go home at the end of the day. You get to go to your hotel room. You get to order your f**king chicken."
After reports of Mark Wahlberg’s comments became news as well, a rep for the actor told TMZ, “Mark loves Tom and was in no way referencing him in his comments”. However, it is extremely hard to swallow that claim given that Wahlberg’s rant took place a couple of days after the erroneous reports of Cruise’s supposed comments went public.
Mark’s Controversial Comments
If the headlines that claimed that Tom Cruise compared acting to military service were accurate, it would have been perfectly reasonable for people to be upset in response. That said, given the things that Mark Wahlberg had previously said about the September 11th attacks, he may not have been the right person to be outraged at Cruise.
As it turns out, Mark Wahlberg originally was scheduled to be on one of the planes that hit the World Trade Center on September 11th. Asked about that revelation during a Men’s Journal interview in 2012, Wahlberg claimed things would have been very different if he was on board. “If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn’t have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, ‘Okay, we’re going to land somewhere safely, don’t worry.'”
In reality, there is no way for Mark Wahlberg to know if things would have been any different if he was on board that plane. Either way, Wahlberg’s comments imply something disrespectful about the people who were on the plane. To Wahlberg’s credit, he later apologized for his comments and it seemed like he genuinely regretted what he had said. That said, even if Tom Cruise had foolishly compared acting to serving in the military, you’d think that Wahlberg would understand that it can be easy to say regrettable things during interviews.