Hollywood star Johnny Depp rose to fame in the late '80s and ever since then he has been known as one of the most talented actors of his generation. However, in the past decade, the actor has been under the spotlight thanks to his relationship with actress Amber Heard, who alleged emotional, verbal, and physical abuse against the actor in May 2016. This year, Johnny Depp won a defamation trial against Heard, and it seems as if his career might be about to have a comeback — and he even joined the popular video-sharing social media platform TikTok.
Today, we're taking a closer look at Johnny Depp's friendship with actor Paul Bettany, who also played a role in the trials Depp went through. How did the two actors meet and just what have they said about each other? Keep on scrolling to find out!
8 When Did Johnny Depp And Paul Bettany Meet?
The two Hollywood stars met in 2010 on the set of the action thriller movie The Tourist. They both starred in the film alongside Angelina Jolie.
7 It Was Friendship At First Sight
In 2014, Paul Bettany revealed that he immediately knew the two would become close.
"Johnny and I met across a crowded room, and I just had a feeling we would be lifelong friends. And that transpired," Bettany said. "It was on the set of The Tourist in Venice. I looked at him, and he looked at me, and we haven’t stopped laughing since."
6 Johnny Depp And Paul Bettany Starred In Another Project Together
Another movie the two actors starred in together is the 2015 crime comedy Mortdecai. In an interview with The Sun, Bettany was asked whether Johnny helped get him hired for the role, to which the actor responded "I’m sure he would tell you that’s absolutely not true, because he’s a total gentleman and he would never allow me to know the inner workings of how that happens. He would totally lie to me and tell me they just really wanted me."
5 Amber Heard Didn't Like Paul Bettany
According to Johnny Depp, his ex-wife Amber Heard wasn't a fan of Paul Bettany at all. During his defamation suit against his ex, Depp said "Ms. Heard despised Mr. Bettany, mainly because we had become such close friends, and for her he was a threat and would take me away from her, with regard to if Paul Bettany were getting the attention from me, that was a show-stopper. It would cause all kinds of unpleasantries."
4 Did Johnny Depp And Paul Bettany Take Drugs Together?
During Johnny Depp's libel trial in 2020, the actor shared that he and Bettany did occasionally drink alcohol or take drugs together.
According to the actor, the two have taken alcohol, cocaine, Xanax, and Adderall together in the past. During the trial, Depp admitted, "If [Bettany] was feeling anxious, or he was feeling unpleasant, I would give him what he asked for."
3 In 2016 Paul Bettany Defended Johnny Depp On Twitter
Back in 2016 when Amber Heard was granted a temporary restraining order against her ex-husband, Paul Bettany took it to Twitter to defend Johnny Depp. "Known Johnny Depp for years and through several relationships. He’s the sweetest, kindest, gentlest man that I’ve ever known. Just saying," Bettany tweeted. In a follow-up tweet, he added "All I’m saying - Domestic violence is a serious allegation. Trial by Twitter is unhelpful. Let the facts come out before rushing to judgment."
2 Johnny Depp And Paul Bettany Share An Abstract Sense Of Humor
In 2020 during the defamation trial against The Sun, text messages between Paul and Depp from 2013 became evidence. The messages were brought up again in the 2022 case between Heard and Depp. In them, Paul and Depp discuss "burning" and "drowning" Amber Heard. "As these are private texts there was a lot… in context," Depp said about the messages. "It’s important to know none of that was ever intended to be real, and the language used which… yes, I am ashamed [of] has to be spread on the world like peanut butter."
Bettany also opened up about the exchange, adding that it is embarrassing. "I know how this works. Anything that you say is oxygen for a fire. And there’s just no f--king fire," Bettany said. "The only real way to deal with this elegantly is to say: I’m not sure there’s anybody who has one of these devices that would feel comfortable having a team of lawyers scour their private text messages."
1 Johnny Depp And Paul Bettany Are Both Around The Same Age
Besides the fact that they work in the same industry, the two are also close in age. As of writing, both actors are in their fifties. Johnny Depp is currently 59 years old while Paul Bettany just entered his fifties as he turned 51 in May 2022.