Venom 2 will hit theaters later this year and some leaked footage taken during filming gives Marvel fans a first look at Woody Harrelson as Carnage.
Marvel is the biggest thing in Hollywood right now, but understanding which heroes are part of what timelines and universes can be confusing. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the one that is owned by Disney and gets the bulk of the attention. The movies that host the Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, all of the heroes movie-goers now instantly think of when they hear Marvel.
However, a separate Marvel universe is also gaining traction. The Sony Cinematic Universe which owns the movie rights to Spider-Man. That ownership led to Sony and Disney butting heads last year as the latter wanted to continue using Spidey in its own universe. That issue has been resolved, and both universes have big plans for what's coming next.
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Sony kicked off the SCU with Venom in 2018 which did much better than anyone expected. The Tom Hardy-led anti-hero movie made $855 million at the box office. Although a terrific movie that deserved to do well, some of that success has to be attributed to Disney throwing Marvel into the spotlight. Thanks to that success, Marvel fans now have two cinematic Marvel universes to enjoy.
Venom 2 will hit theaters later this year in which Carnage will be the movie's primary antagonist. Carnage will be played by Woody Harrelson, as was revealed during the mid-credits scene during Venom. In that scene, Harrelson was shown before his body becomes occupied by Carnage, the symbiote offspring of Venom should the movie's storyline closely follow that of the comic books.
Fans can now take a first look at Harrelson after he has bonded with Carnage, courtesy of the footage above. The footage appears to have been shot by someone nearby on a cellphone as Harrelson is filming a scene in which he is held up by police. We'll have to wait until the movie is released to see what exactly Harrelson is doing via his hand gestures, but judging by his altered appearance compared to how he looked during Venom's credits, Carnage is very much a part of him by this point in the movie.
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